Environment Setup of the Tree

This page describes the creation of the SDSS config environment files necessary for most SDSS software and filesystem navigation on the Science Archive Server (SAS). Running this script will setup the SDSS tree system in your local shell environment, for use with an environment manager like Modules, or straight with bash or tsch.


If you are only interested in using the Tree Python package and having dynamic environments, you do not need to perform this step, and can safely ignore this page.

Checkout or Install the tree product

To setup the tree, you first must install or checkout the product. You can either install it with pip or check out the product from Github.

Pip Install

To install it with pip, run

pip install -U sdss-tree

Installing tree this way will provide a shell script that you can run from anywhere as setup_tree.py.

Git Clone

First clone the product from github. Navigate to the bin directory

git clone https://github.com/sdss/tree tree
cd tree/bin/

Installing tree this way means you must run the script as python setup_tree.py.

Run Setup

The main script to create environment files is setup_tree.py. See setup_tree usage for full documentation of the command-line tool and its parameters. To create corresponding module, bash, and tcsh configuration files, run

python setup_tree.py -v

This will take all config files located in tree/data and create environment files inside a specified output directory (see Custom Output Path) which can then be sourced into your corresponding shell environment. The script uses the environment variables $SAS_BASE_DIR and $TREE_DIR when identifying and creating environment files. If it cannot find an existing TREE_DIR it will create one corresponding to the top level directory of the git repo or python package. If it cannot find an existing SAS_BASE_DIR it will prompt you to create one.


If you are using the modules environment manager, this script attempts to copy the module files located in the output directory into your local $MODULES_DIR. If no modules path is specified, the script attempts to identify your modules directory by taking the first path directory found in the $MODULEPATH environment variable. To specify a custom or specific MODULES_DIR, use the modulesdir keyword argument.

python setup_tree.py -m '/my/custom/path/modules/'

It will copy all module files found in tree/etc and place them inside $MODULES_DIR/tree/. For example the etc/dr14.module file would get copied to /my/custom/path/modules/tree/dr14. When multiple module paths are found, it prompts the user to choose which paths to copy the new modules files into. If an existing tree module directory is found, it also prompts if the user wishes to overwrite existing files. For example,

>>> python setup_tree.py -v
Multiple module paths found. Choose which module paths to use (e.g. "1,2") or hit enter for "all":
1. /Users/Brian/Work/github_projects/modulefiles
2. /Users/Brian/Work/sdss/repo/modulefiles
3. /Users/Brian/Work/sdss/data/modulefiles
4. /Users/Brian/Work/sdss/sdss_install/github/modulefiles
5. /Users/Brian/Work/sdss/sdss_install/svn/modulefiles
6. /usr/local/Modules/modulefiles

# select "1" to copy the files to only the 1st module path found
/Users/Brian/Work/github_projects/modulefiles/tree already exists! Overwrite? (y/n)

# select "y" to overwrite any existing files
Copying modules from etc/ into /Users/Brian/Work/github_projects/modulefiles/tree

Example Files

Example config files with created environment files. The setup_tree command will create .sh, .csh environment files for bash, tsch shells, and .module files for use with the modules environment manager.

SDSS Config Data Directory Output Directory
dr14dr14.cfgdr14.module, dr14.sh dr14.csh
sdssworksdsswork.cfgsdsswork.module, sdsswork.sh sdsswork.csh

If you are using bash or tsch simply copy the relevant files to a location of your choice and source the environment file you wish to load in your .bashrc or .cshrc file.

Using with modules

If you are using modules as an environment varibale, you can easily switch between different environment configurations. Before you can utilize the new module files, you must make sure the directory where the new module files were copied can be used by modules. You can set this with the module use command. For example, if the directory containing the tree modules was /Work/sdss/repo/modulefiles, then type

module use /Work/sdss/repo/modulefiles

and the tree modules should now be available. To list the available modules for tree, use module avail.

>>> module avail tree
----------------------------------------------------------------- /Work/sdss/repo/modulefiles ------------------------------------------------------------------
tree/bosswork  tree/dr7  tree/dr8  tree/dr9  tree/dr10  tree/dr11  tree/dr12  tree/dr13  tree/dr14  tree/dr15  tree/dr16  tree/sdss5  tree/sdsswork(default)

You can load a module with the module load or module switch command.

# to load the latest working SDSS environmnt
module load tree/sdsswork

# to load the DR16 SDSS environment
module load tree/dr16

Custom Output Path

The default ouput directory for the environment files depends on whether the tree product was git cloned or pip-installed.

Install Method Ouput Directory
git clone$TREE_DIR/etc

To control where setup_tree creates the environment files, specify the --path keyword argument.

# specify a custom output path
setup_tree.py -v -p /my_output/environment/configs/