Source code for tree.tree

# !usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.
# @Author: Brian Cherinka
# @Date:   2016-10-11 13:24:56
# @Last modified by:   Brian Cherinka
# @Last Modified time: 2018-06-30 14:01:05

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import sys
import glob
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
import six
import json
import datetime
from tree import log, config as cfg_params

    import rapidfuzz
except ImportError:
    rapidfuzz = None

if ((sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor > 2) or
        (sys.version_info.major == 2 and sys.version_info.minor >= 7)):
    from configparser import ConfigParser as SafeConfigParser
    from configparser import SafeConfigParser

orig_environ = os.environ.copy()

[docs] class Tree(object): ''' Initialize the sdss tree object This class provides Python programmatic access to the SDSS tree envionment structure Parameters ---------- key : str | list A section or list of sections of the tree to add into the local environment uproot_with : str A new TREE_DIR path used to override an existing TREE_DIR environment variable config : str Name of manual config file to load. Default is sdsswork. update : bool If True, overwrites existing tree environment variables in your local environment. Default is False. exclude : list A list of environment variables to exclude from forced updates root : str An absolute directory path to override as the software product root git : bool If True, looks for SDSS_GIT_ROOT environment variable as product root instead of SDSS_SVN_ROOT Attributes ---------- treedir : str The directory of the tree sasbasedir : str The root directory of SAS productroot_dir : str The root directory of installed software products from svn or github environ : dict All of the environment paths defnined in the currntly loaded SDSS configuration file paths : dict All of the sdss_access paths defined in the currently loaded configuration phase : int Which SDSS phase the currently loaded config belongs to ''' # possible software product roots _product_roots = ['PRODUCT_ROOT', 'SDSS_GIT_ROOT', 'SDSS_SVN_ROOT', 'SDSS_INSTALL_PRODUCT_ROOT', 'SDSS_PRODUCT_ROOT', 'SDSS4_PRODUCT_ROOT'] def __init__(self, config=None, key=None, uproot_with=None, update=None, exclude=None, product_root=None, git=None): self.config_name = config or os.getenv('TREE_VER', 'sdsswork') self.release = self.get_release_from_config() self.exclude = exclude or [] update = update or False self._keys = key self._file_replace = '@FILESYSTEM@' # set the roots self.set_roots(uproot_with=uproot_with) # load the configuraiton file self.load_config() # create the environment self.branch_out(limb=key) # add the paths to the os.environ if key is not None: self.add_paths_to_os(key='general', update=update) self.add_paths_to_os(key=key, update=update) # set the software product root, $PRODUCT_ROOT envvar self.productroot_dir = None self.set_product_root(root=product_root, git=git) def __repr__(self): return ('Tree(sas_base_dir={0}, config={1}, release={2})'.format(self.sasbasedir, self.config_name, self.release)) @property def phase(self): ''' Return the phase of the survey from the loaded "work" environment ''' phase = self.environ['default'].get('phase', None) if phase and phase.isdigit(): phase = int(phase) return phase @property def release_date(self): ''' Return the release date of the tree configuration ''' rd = self.environ['default'].get('release_date', 'None') if rd != 'None': return
[docs] def list_keys(self): ''' List the available keys you can load ''' return [k for k in self.environ.keys() if k not in ['general', 'default']]
[docs] def set_roots(self, uproot_with=None): ''' Set the roots of the tree in the os environment Parameters ---------- uproot_with : str A new TREE_DIR path used to override an existing TREE_DIR environment variable ''' # Check for TREE_DIR self.treedir = get_tree_dir(uproot_with=uproot_with) # Check sas_base_dir if 'SAS_BASE_DIR' in os.environ: self.sasbasedir = os.environ["SAS_BASE_DIR"] else: self.sasbasedir = os.path.expanduser('~/sas') # make the directories if not os.path.isdir(self.sasbasedir): os.makedirs(self.sasbasedir)
def _read_config(self, config=None, bases=None): ''' Read a config file Uses ConfigParser to read in a cfg file. If a base is identified, then recursively reads in all cfg files and builds a master config dictionary object Parameters ---------- config : str Optional name of config file to load bases : list A list of parent config files Returns ------- dict A configParser dictionary object ''' # format name and file config_name = config if config.endswith('.cfg') else '{0}.cfg'.format(config) config_file = os.path.join(self.treedir, 'data', config_name) assert os.path.isfile( config_file) is True, 'config file {0} must exist in the data directory'.format(config_file) # read initial config file cfg = SafeConfigParser() cfg.optionxform = lambda option: option # check for any bases bases = bases if bases else [] bases.insert(0, os.path.join(self.treedir, 'data', config_name)) hasbase = 'base' in cfg.defaults() # read base config file if hasbase: return self._read_config(cfg.defaults()['base'], bases=bases) else: # read in the full list of config files cfg = SafeConfigParser() cfg.optionxform = lambda option: option # if both eboss and boss, then remove boss if 'EBOSS' in cfg.sections() and 'BOSS' in cfg.sections(): cfg.remove_section('BOSS') return cfg def _check_config(self, config=None): ''' check the config checks the config for syntax and existence. Defaults to sdsswork or a DR if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- config : str The name of the config to check Returns ------- str The (updated) name of the config ''' # check initial argument cfgname = (config or self.config_name) cfgname = 'sdsswork' if cfgname is None else cfgname assert isinstance(cfgname, six.string_types), 'config name must be a string' cfgname = cfgname.lower() config_name = cfgname if cfgname.endswith('.cfg') else '{0}.cfg'.format(cfgname) # default to another config if not available file_base = [os.path.basename(f) for f in self._cfg_files] if config_name not in file_base: if 'dr' in config_name: drint = max(map(int, [re.findall(r'\d{1,2}', f)[0] for f in file_base if 'dr' in f])) log.warning('{0} not found. Defaulting to dr{1}.cfg'.format(config_name, drint)) self.config_name = 'dr{0}'.format(drint) else: log.warning('{0} not found. Defaulting to sdsswork'.format(config_name)) self.config_name = 'sdsswork' config_name = self.config_name + '.cfg' return config_name
[docs] def load_config(self, config=None): ''' Load a config file Parameters ---------- config : str Optional name of manual config file to load ''' # get a list of all config files self._cfg_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.treedir, 'data', '*.cfg')) self._cfg_files.sort() # check the config file config_name = self._check_config(config) # set the confifile configfile = os.path.join(self.treedir, 'data', config_name) assert os.path.isfile(configfile) is True, ('configfile {0} must exist in the ' 'data directory'.format(configfile)) self.config_file = configfile # read the config self._cfg = self._read_config(config=self.config_name)
def _create_environment(self, cfg=None, sections=None): ''' create the environment from the config Creates a dictionary with environment definitions expanded out Parameters ---------- config : str Optional name of manual config file to load sections : list A list of config sections to load Returns ------- dict An ordered dictionary of envvar definitions ''' # pass in a cfg dict or use the one attached cfg = cfg or self._cfg # create the local tree environment environ = OrderedDict() environ['default'] = cfg.defaults() # set the filesystem envvar to sas_base_dir filesystem = 'FILESYSTEM' if 'FILESYSTEM' in environ[ 'default'] else 'filesystem' if 'filesystem' in environ['default'] else None if environ['default'][filesystem] == self._file_replace: environ['default'][filesystem] = self.sasbasedir # add all sections into the tree environ sections = sections if sections else cfg.sections() for section in sections: # skip if PATHS if section == 'PATHS': continue section = section if section in cfg.sections() else section.upper() environ[section] = OrderedDict() options = cfg.options(section) for opt in options: if opt in environ['default']: continue val = cfg.get(section, opt) if val.find(self._file_replace) == 0: val = val.replace(self._file_replace, self.sasbasedir) environ[section][opt] = val return environ def _create_paths(self, cfg=None): ''' create a dictionary of path definitions Extracts the PATHS section from a ConfigParser object and builds a dictionary of paths for sdss_access Parameters ---------- cfg : object A configParser object Returns ------- dict An ordered dictionary of sdss_access path definitions ''' # pass in a cfg dict or use the one attached cfg = cfg or self._cfg # return if no PATHS found if not cfg.has_section('PATHS'): return None paths = OrderedDict() for opt in cfg.options('PATHS'): if opt in cfg.defaults(): continue paths[opt] = cfg.get('PATHS', opt) # sort the paths by name paths = OrderedDict({k: paths[k] for k in sorted(paths.keys())}) return paths
[docs] def branch_out(self, limb=None): ''' Set the individual section branches This adds the various sections of the config file into the tree environment for access later. Optionally can specify a specific branch. This does not yet load them into the os environment. Parameters ---------- limb : str | list A section or lists of sections of the config to add into the environ ''' # Filter on sections if not limb: limbs = self._cfg.sections() else: # we must have the general always + secton limb = limb if isinstance(limb, list) else [limb] limbs = ['general'] limbs.extend(limb) # add all limbs into the tree environ self.environ = self._create_environment(sections=limbs) # add all paths into the tree paths dictionary self.paths = self._create_paths()
[docs] def add_limbs(self, key=None): ''' Add a new section from the tree into the existing os environment Parameters ---------- key : str The section name to grab from the environment ''' self.branch_out(limb=key) self.add_paths_to_os(key=key)
[docs] def get_paths(self, key): ''' Retrieve a set of environment paths from the config Parameters ---------- key : str The section name to grab from the environment Returns ------- dict An ordered dict containing all of the paths from the specified section, as key:val = name:path ''' newkey = key if key in self.environ else key.upper() if key.upper() \ in self.environ else None if newkey: return self.environ[newkey] else: raise KeyError('Key {0} not found in tree environment'.format(key))
[docs] def add_paths_to_os(self, key=None, update=None): ''' Add the paths in tree environ into the os environ This code goes through the tree environ and checks for existence in the os environ, then adds them Parameters ---------- key : str The section name to check against / add update : bool If True, overwrites existing tree environment variables in your local environment. Default is False. ''' if key is not None: allpaths = key if isinstance(key, list) else [key] else: allpaths = [k for k in self.environ.keys() if 'default' not in k] for key in allpaths: paths = self.get_paths(key) self._check_paths(paths, update=update)
def _check_paths(self, paths, update=None): ''' Check if the path is in the os environ, and if not add it Paramters --------- paths : dict An ordered dict containing all of the paths from the a given section, as key:val = name:path update : bool If True, overwrites existing tree environment variables in your local environment. Default is False. ''' # set up the exclusion list exclude = [] if not self.exclude else self.exclude \ if isinstance(self.exclude, list) else [self.exclude] # check the path names for pathname, path in paths.items(): if update and pathname.upper() not in exclude: os.environ[pathname.upper()] = os.path.normpath(path) elif pathname.upper() not in os.environ: os.environ[pathname.upper()] = os.path.normpath(path)
[docs] def replant_tree(self, config=None, exclude=None, preserve_envvars=None): """ Replant the tree with a different config setup Resets the python tree with the new config. Automatically updates the session os.environ with the new tree config environment variables. If ``preserve_envvars`` is set to True, preserves the original os environ during tree update. If ``preserve_envvars`` is set to a list of environment variables, preserves only that subset. Parameters ---------- config : str The config name to reload exclude : list A list of environment variables to exclude from forced updates preserve_envvars : bool | list Flag to indicate some or all original environment variables to preserve """ # reinitialize a new Tree with a new config and # automatically overwrite any existing envvars config = 'sdsswork' if not config else config self.__init__(key=self._keys, config=config, update=True, exclude=exclude) # look for any preserved envvars from the configuration file if not preserve_envvars: preserve_envvars = self._get_preserved_envvars() orig = self.get_orig_os_environ() if preserve_envvars is True: # preserve the entire original os environ os.environ.update(orig) elif isinstance(preserve_envvars, (list, tuple)): # preserve just a subset of envvars for envvar in preserve_envvars: if envvar in orig: os.environ[envvar] = orig[envvar]
def _get_preserved_envvars(self): """ Retrieve any list of environment variables to preserve from the tree.yml config file """ preserved = cfg_params.get('preserve_envvars', None) return preserved
[docs] def list_configs(self): ''' List available configs to load ''' return self.list_available_configs()
[docs] def show_forest(self, config=None): ''' Show the environment for a specified config Creates a dictionary environment for each config in the list of available configurations. Parameters ---------- config : str The config to show Returns ------- dict A dictionary of config environment(s) ''' configs = [config] if config else self.list_configs() cfgs = {} for cfg in configs: cfg_name = cfg.split('.cfg')[0] cfg = self._read_config(cfg_name) cfgs[cfg_name] = self._create_environment(cfg) if len(configs) == 1: return cfgs[cfg_name] return cfgs
@staticmethod def _sort_configs(release: str = 'dr', cfgs: list = None) -> list: """ Sort the list of configs by a release group Sorts the list of configs by a release group, e.g. 'DR', 'MPL', or "IPL". Within each group sorts by the integer number of the release. Parameters ---------- release : str, optional The release group name, by default 'dr' cfgs : list, optional The input list of configs, by default None Returns ------- list A sorted list of configs Raises ------ ValueError when the release group is not recognized """ release = release.lower() if release not in ['dr', 'mpl', 'ipl']: raise ValueError(f'{release} is not a valid release group') # sort the release subset of config files relsort = sorted([i for i in cfgs if release in i], key=lambda t: int(re.findall(f'{release}(.*?).cfg', t)[0])) rest = [[i] for i in cfgs if release not in i] rest.insert(1, relsort) return sum(rest, [])
[docs] @staticmethod def list_available_configs(): ''' List the available config files able to be loaded ''' # get tree dir treedir = get_tree_dir() # look up the config files from the data directory data_path = os.path.join(treedir, 'data') cfgs = [i for i in os.listdir(data_path) if i.endswith('.cfg') and 'basework' not in i] cfgs.sort() # sort each release subset of config files sorted_cfgs = Tree._sort_configs(release='dr', cfgs=cfgs) sorted_cfgs = Tree._sort_configs(release='mpl', cfgs=sorted_cfgs) sorted_cfgs = Tree._sort_configs(release='ipl', cfgs=sorted_cfgs) return sorted_cfgs
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_releases(cls, public=None): ''' Get the available releases Parameters ---------- public : bool If True, only return public data releases ''' # get the configs cfgs = cls.list_available_configs() # parse the data releases releases = [] for i in cfgs: if public and not i.startswith('dr'): continue b = i.split('.cfg', 1)[0] if 'dr' in b or 'mpl' in b or 'ipl' in b: # uppercase any DR or MPLs releases.append(b.upper()) elif 'work' in b and 'WORK' not in releases: # reduce alll xxxxwork cfgs to a single "work" release releases.append('WORK') return releases
[docs] def get_release_from_config(self) -> str: """ Get a release name from a config Convert a config name into its valid release name. All "work" config, i.e. "sdsswork", belong to the "WORK" release. Returns ------- str the release name """ release = self.config_name.upper() if 'work' in self.config_name or self.config_name == 'sdss5': release = 'WORK' return release
[docs] @staticmethod def reset_os_environ(): ''' Resets os.environ with the orignal cache before tree mods ''' os.environ = orig_environ
[docs] @staticmethod def get_orig_os_environ(): ''' Returns the original os.environ ''' return orig_environ.copy()
[docs] def to_dict(self, collapse=True): ''' Convert tree environment to standard dicts Converts the nested ``tree.environ`` into a series of ordinary dicts. Parameters ---------- collapse : bool If True, collapses nested dicts into a single dict. Default is True. ''' if collapse is False: dd = json.loads(json.dumps(self.environ)) dd.pop('default') return dd dd = {} for k, v in self.environ.items(): if k == 'default': continue for kk, vv in v.items(): dd[kk] = vv return dd
[docs] @staticmethod def get_product_root(root=None, git=None): ''' Get the sdss product root used for svn/git products Attempts to extract the root directory for SDSS-installed git/svn products. Uses the following environment variables in order of precendence: PRODUCT_ROOT, SDSS_SVN_ROOT, SDSS_INSTALL_PRODUCT_ROOT, SDSS_PRODUCT_ROOT, SDSS4_PRODUCT_ROOT. If no root is found uses one directory up from SAS_BASE_DIR. Parameters ---------- root : str An absolute directory path to override as the product root git : bool If True, looks for SDSS_GIT_ROOT environment variable as product root. Returns ------- dict The directory path to sdss-installed svn/git products ''' # override with an input root directory if root: return root # use an existing $PRODUCT_ROOT envvar product_root = os.getenv("PRODUCT_ROOT", None) if product_root: return product_root # check in the config for a product root definition product_root = cfg_params.get("PRODUCT_ROOT", None) if product_root: return product_root # attempt to extract a product root from a variety of environment variables repo_root = 'SDSS_GIT_ROOT' if git else 'SDSS_SVN_ROOT' product_root = os.getenv(repo_root, os.getenv( "SDSS_INSTALL_PRODUCT_ROOT", os.getenv("SDSS4_PRODUCT_ROOT", None))) if not product_root: product_root = os.getenv("SAS_BASE_DIR").rsplit('/', 1)[0] return product_root
[docs] def set_product_root(self, root=None, git=None): ''' Sets the sdss product root used for svn/git products Sets the root directory for SDSS-installed git/svn products as the $PRODUCT_ROOT environment variable. Attempts to find a viable $PRODUCT_ROOT using ``get_product_method``. Viable product roots in order of precendence: SDSS_SVN_ROOT, SDSS_INSTALL_PRODUCT_ROOT, SDSS_PRODUCT_ROOT, SDSS4_PRODUCT_ROOT. If no root is found uses one directory up from SAS_BASE_DIR. Parameters ---------- root : str An absolute directory path to override as the product root git : bool If True, looks for SDSS_GIT_ROOT environment variable as product root. ''' product_root = self.get_product_root(root=root, git=git) os.environ['PRODUCT_ROOT'] = product_root self.productroot_dir = product_root
[docs] def write_old_paths_inifile(self, no_pipe=None): ''' Write out an old sdss_paths ini file New syntax for special functions is "@[name]|" compared to old syntax of "%[name]". With no_pipe set to True, converts the new syntax to exactly the old syntax. If set to False, will write special functions as "%[name]|". Parameters ---------- no_pipe : bool If True, removes the special function | character ''' paths_dir = os.path.join(self.treedir, 'data/sdss_paths.ini') with open(paths_dir, 'w') as f: f.write('# Paths for SDSS files. Each file type is given a template full path.\n') f.write('# \n') f.write('# This file has been deprecated as of tree/3.0.0 and sdss_access/1.0.0 \n') f.write('# It should not be updated manually. Use the tree.write_olds_paths method in \n') f.write('# the python tree code to generate a new version of this file as needed.\n') f.write('# \n') f.write('\n') f.write("[paths]\n") for name, template in self.paths.items(): # switch special functions back to % if no_pipe: template = template.replace('@', '%').replace('|', '') else: template = template.replace('@', '%') # write out path, template f.write('{0} = {1}\n'.format(name, template))
[docs] def check_missing_path_envvars(self): """ Checks paths envars against main envvar list Extracts the used environment variables from all the sdss_access path definitions in tree.paths, and checks them against the list of defined environment variables in tree.environ. Returns a list of any path environment variables that are missing from the valid definitions in the environment. Returns ------- list A list of missing environment variables """ # get the list of environment variables envvars = self.to_dict().keys() # get the list of access paths and extract envvars paths = self.paths.values() path_envvars = set(re.findall(r'\$(.*?)\/', '\t'.join(paths))) return [i for i in path_envvars if i not in envvars]
[docs] def identify_envvar(self, file): """ Identifies the environment variable used in a file path """ env = None for env, val in reversed(list(self.to_dict().items())): if val in file: return env
[docs] def identify_section(self, envvar, guess=False): """ Identifies the tree ini section from an environment variable """ sec = None # looks if envvar exactly in list of sections for tsec, envs in reversed(sorted(self.environ.items())): if envvar in envs: sec = tsec break # guess based on if envvar starts with section name if guess and envvar.startswith(tsec): sec = tsec break # return section name if found if sec: return sec # if still no identified or guessed section, guess with rapidfuzz if guess: if rapidfuzz: envlist = sorted(self.to_dict().keys()) sec_guess = rapidfuzz.process.extractOne(envvar, envlist, score_cutoff=70) if sec_guess: return self.identify_section(sec_guess[0]) else: log.warning('rapidfuzz package is not installed. Cannot make a guess.') return sec
[docs] def get_tree_dir(uproot_with=None): ''' Return the path to the tree product directory Parameters ---------- uproot_with : str A new TREE_DIR path used to override an existing TREE_DIR environment variable Returns ------- str The path to the tree python product directory ''' treedir = os.environ.get('TREE_DIR', None) if not uproot_with else uproot_with if not treedir: treefilepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if 'python/' in treefilepath: treedir = treefilepath.rsplit('/', 2)[0] else: treedir = treefilepath treedir = treefilepath os.environ['TREE_DIR'] = treedir return treedir
def _get_history(name: str, cfg_type: str) -> dict: """ Get the history of a path or environment variable Searches all Tree config files for the definition of a specified environment variable or access path name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the path or environment variable cfg_type : str The type of config variable to access, either 'path' or 'envvar' Returns ------- dict The definitions of the requested parameter in the tree config files Raises ------ ValueError when cfg_type is not 'path' or 'envvar' """ if cfg_type not in ['envvar', 'path']: raise ValueError('cfg_type can only be "envvar" or "path"') output = {} for cfg in Tree.list_available_configs(): if 'basework' in cfg: continue t=Tree(cfg) if cfg_type == 'envvar': data = t.to_dict() elif cfg_type == 'path': data = t.paths output[cfg.split('.')[0]] = data.get(name, None) return output
[docs] def get_envvar_history(name: str) -> dict: """ Get the history of a given environment variable Returns a dictionary of the given environment variable definition in all available tree config files. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the environment variable Returns ------- dict The environment variable definitions in each tree config file """ return _get_history(name, cfg_type='envvar')
[docs] def get_path_history(name: str) -> dict: """ Get the history of a given access path name Returns a dictionary of the given acess path definition in all available tree config files. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the access path Returns ------- dict The path definitions in each tree config file """ return _get_history(name, cfg_type='path')